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How it works

  • Simply put, we convert your old boring plastic debit/credit card into metal (stainless steel).

  • We transplant the EMV from your plastic card onto your new metal card. (Patented Technology). We also transfer the data of your magnetic strip over to the metal card. 

  • You will have a fully functional metal credit card (Swipe and EMV chip) except for the tap and pay feature (Contactless). You can certainly use your smartphone for the tap and pay feature. 

  1. Simply place your order online.

  2. You will then receive an email with our shipping address and mockup of your customised card for confirmation. 

  3. Now you have the option to either send us your card for EMV chip and Magnetic strip data transfer or you can transfer EMV chip by yourself, for which the procedure for EMV chip transplant will be shared once you place your order. NOTE THAT YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO TRANSFER MAG STRIP DATA, THAT CAN BE DONE ONLY IF YOU SEND US YOUR CARD FOR TRANSFER PROCEDURE. If you wish to send us your card then place your plastic card into any envelope and affix the label on the envelope and mail it out.

  4. We will receive your card in 2-3 business days. 

  5. Once received, we will laser your desired design on to the metal card, remove the EMV chip from your plastic card and transplant it onto the metal card. We then transfer the magnetic strip data onto the metal card from your plastic card. This will be done in 24hrs.

  6. Once completed, we will email you a photo of your card and the tracking # for your new metal card. It will be shipped out the same day by DTDC.

  7. You receive your awesome new metal card along with your old plastic one. You are in awe of your new personalized metal card so you tag us on your social media. 

  • To be able to have a fully functional metal card you will have to ship us your existing card. We will then transfer all the data from your old card to your new metal card. Yes, we transfer the data from the magnetic strip to the metal card. 

  • We will also be using our Patented Technology (first of its kind) to remove your EMV chip from your original card and transfer it onto your new metal card. We will return your original card along with your new personalized metal card.

  • Please note that once we remove the EMV chip from your original plastic card, that card will no longer be functional. You will only be able to swipe with it. You will be using your new metal credit card in its place.

  • Removing the EMV chip is optional. Please note, without the EMV chip on your new metal card, your card will not work on the new POS machines that require you to insert your card, however it will work if you swipe the card on these terminals.

Financial Safety

​Your financial safety is our priority. 


We only use secure and tracked shipping in discreet unbranded packaging.


​Our equipment is highly secure and does not store any personal or sensitive card information. 

Card Data

All payments are processed via our PCI compliant payment merchant.

EMV Chip Swap™ Procedure


"No Heat" EMV Chip Transplant


The EMV chip from the original plastic card is extracted and implanted to the new metal card; old plastic card is rendered obsolete. The new metal card is functional by inserting the chip or swiping the magnetic stripe. RFID/Contactless/TAP feature is disabled during the transplant procedure. This procedure is available to clients worldwide.


Transplant/chip swap procedure success rates by card types (see list below)


  • Plastic AE Clear Every day Cash, AE Green, AE Purple and AE Gold Express cards are 98.2% successful with this procedure (small & large chip) RFID/Contactless/TAP feature is disabled during the transplant procedure.


  • Plastic Discover Cards are 98.5% successful with this procedure (small & large chip) RFID/Contactless/TAP feature is disabled during the transplant procedure.


  • Plastic Visa & MC are 98.8% successful with this procedure (small & large chip) RFID/Contactless/TAP feature is disabled during the transplant procedure.

  • Metal Cards are 96% successful with this procedure (small & large chip) RFID/Contactless/TAP feature is disabled during the transplant procedure.


Magnetic stripe on original plastic card will still be functional. New metal card magnetic stripe will be 100% fully functional.


EMV Chip Swap™



Due the sensitive nature of the chip construction. There is a low possibility of Chip Damage occurring during the EMV Chip Swap procedure.


In the off chance of a client's original EMV chip is damaged during the swap procedure, the client will be notified and asked to request a replacement card from their financial institution/cc company. This will delay the production process.


'EMV Chip Swap' procedure overall average is 98.8% Successful, but in the off chance that the chip does not function when a client attempts a transaction; the registers EMV Bypass protocol will take effect; forcing the client to SWIPE the card; thus allowing the client to complete a transaction.


RFID Contactless Touch Pass/ PayWave Cards are identified by the PayWave Logo seen in the example above. If your plastic card has this logo (see image above) printed on it, be aware those types of cards will have contactless feature completely disabled.


The laboratory at TitanCards is perfecting the procedure daily. Rest assured our laboratory techs will apply great care to the construction of your New Metal Credit/Debit Card.

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